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hi, my name is lucas and I'm a 13 years old boy from sweden. i love playing music, and this is my first home record, what do you think? if you like it please thumbs up, share and leave a comment, it means a lot for me!…"]Lego house//The A-team//Drunk- Lucas Gladzki- Medley - YouTube[/]="…"]Lego house//The A-team//Drunk- Lucas Gladzki- Medley - YouTube[/]


pcrecord Mon, 06/17/2013 - 06:32

Hi Lucas,

I can ear good potential there, keep at it.

One little thing to get you started, you didn't have to say it's a home recording cause we in fact hear your home a lot ! .. (I mean the reverb of the room) :wink:
When you do your next recording, try to put a thick blanket up the wall, then play and sing in front of it. Once you have less natural reverb on the recording. You will have the luxury of choosing a more pleasurable reverb.