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my mix needs serious help

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Submitted by baadc0de on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 01:32

The analyser shows (probably) too much stuff happening in the low end and not enough in the high-end - but making it brighter and more top-endish (instrument-by-instrument or group-by-group) just kind of makes it harsh sounding. Any obvious and less obvious things I”m missing? Any hints?




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Err, I”ve only opened up the analyzer because I”ve thought it sounds kind of dull and boxy (that”s what my ears told me).

After taking the track home, I”ve come to a conclusion that it sounds harsh... in my studio. Damn. Over the headphones at home I can add quite a lot of top end and it sounds much better, much more comparable to similar tracks in the genre. Perhaps it”s time to re-think my control room acoustics... my current setup doesn”t seem to work at all.


Thu, 11/30/2006 - 01:25 Permalink
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baadc0de, There is nothing wrong with your control room acoustics! Nothing wrong at all. What is wrong, is your recording technique, mixing technique, mastering technique and this cut is so over optimized, so overblown, so ear fatiguing, that you need to rethink how to make recordings and stop worrying about acoustics.

It's Uber obnoxious to try and listen to. You have to stop reading how to make recordings and start listening to how you make recordings. It's one constant massive glob of nonstop 100% modulated energy. Boxy? Of course it's boxy. You have boxed your entire recording into a one half decibel box. Then there wasn't any nicely colored wrapping either?

Highly compressed in an open setting
Ms. Remy Ann David

Thu, 11/30/2006 - 13:54 Permalink
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mark_van_j: I doubt it”s the same infidia, since these are a small band from Slovenia, struggling to get their 4th concert or some such. If they are however, you can get them details on PM.

RemyRAD: Oh well, I can only hope that when I make you happy with my mixes/recordings my clients will be happy as well. So far it”s been the opposite - I”m not implying that client satisfaction is a de facto scale of how good a record you make, but I”m consistently getting pinned down by clients if it isn”t very very loud. To me, it doesn”t mean a lot, I”ve heard so much whining about the whole loudness concept, but, then again - I”ve grown up with brickwalled records (extreme metal in particular) and may be biased. A simple question - why would this track be *better* if it weren”t compressed as hell? I understand the issues with ear fatigue, but aren”t other records in this genre compressed just as much?

Since my last post, I”ve fixed most of my high end problems, and hopefully made something both I and my clients will like. I”ve also cut a bit on the master limiter and the vocal compression and am quite interested in what the clients will say.

Sun, 12/03/2006 - 23:08 Permalink