hi there, it seems that both benchmark and mytek are bringing out stereo a/d converters at the same time soon .Any info on price availability and comparisons greatly appreciated.I know the Mytek has the same specs as their 8 channel a/d converters and i,m sure both will be of excellent quality.julian
Welcome Julian, I haven't heard any news yet about new conver
Welcome Julian,
I haven't heard any news yet about new converters...
Do you happen to know Julian Standen- he is from London and used to be a mod here (I don't think it's likely, but you never know). Doc
Originally posted by Doc@BeefyTreats.com: Welcome Julian, I
Originally posted by Doc@BeefyTreats.com: Welcome Julian, I
hi doc no i dont know julian standen ,no one knows anything about these converters?
They are roughly the same price and both extremely nice. You w
They are roughly the same price and both extremely nice. You will be happy with either...they are such a high calibur you will simply have to hear them for yourself to decide which is best for your situation.
Benchmark will also be making a 2 channel A/D with mic preamps on board. Around $1600.
FWIW I own the Benchmark D/A and will likely pick up the Mytek A/d.
Soon after the Benchmark ADC-1 with pre-amps is released, a "pre
Soon after the Benchmark ADC-1 with pre-amps is released, a "pre-less" version will follow. Sort of a "one-trick pony" as the DAC-1 is. I plan on getting the latter version.
I have a DAC-1 and my opinion is that this DA is truly a nice piece for the tail-end of your system. I'm using mine to drive powered monitor speakers.
Originally posted by Ckevperry: They are roughly the same pric
i need them for a particular project :acoustic guitar ,perc ,electric fuzz,bass,vox,but i cant try them both (living in London).Any ideas? Julian
Originally posted by Ckevperry: They are roughly the same pric
Has either been released yet? :confused:
Benchmark is supposed to officially have them at NAMM just a few
Benchmark is supposed to officially have them at NAMM just a few days from now...
You guys may want to check out the Mini-Dac from Apogee before m
You guys may want to check out the Mini-Dac from Apogee before making a true final decision.
This is a DAC you don't want to miss out on! The analog output on it is truly a beefy one!
Opus :D
Opus ... Have you heard the DAC-1 ?
Opus ...
Have you heard the DAC-1 ?
Opus ... Have you heard the DAC-1 ?
Opus ...
Have you heard the DAC-1 ?