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Need help removing this backgroud noise

Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 01/03/2009 - 11:40


First of all I have to admit i have a very basic microphone so maybe thats accounts for the annoying noise which I am sure others also hear when they record with Windows Sound Recorder.

This is what I am talking about
(Copy and paste the link into the address, hyper-linking is disabled)

How can I remove this background noise from my recordings?



How is software going to combat random electrons being forced to move due to magnetic interference? The affect is not something you can hide, you need shielding, you need to move the analog part of the equation away from that noisy powersupply and motherboard... You need freedom. Cast off the shackles of onboard mic pre's and hunt out the Interference Demons.

Seriously though, get an external interface. You can get ones for under US$100 that sound clean.

Why edit the sound away with a $1000 piece of software when you can just not record it in the first place?

Mon, 01/05/2009 - 17:39 Permalink

once again, i am with you greener. yes, you need to address the issue so you don't have to deal with same problem down the road. the software comes in only if the recording is a keeper and you have no other way to do another take. there is a tool for almost everything.

for $240. you can get izotop RX software or, for the same price, an M-Audio FireWire 410 (or some other brand). i would go for the audio interface if i were you.

Mon, 01/05/2009 - 18:40 Permalink