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Need a program to record when a certain level (dB) is reached.

Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/06/2011 - 19:44

Hi, I need a program to start recording audio when a certain audio level is reached or when there is noise. I have googled and can;t find anything. Any help is appreciated, thanks.



[=""]Audio Zone Trigger 1.6 by Omega Unfold - Download for free[/]="http://www.canadian…"]Audio Zone Trigger 1.6 by Omega Unfold - Download for free[/]

[[url=http://="http://sourceforge…"]Audio Trigger | Download Audio Trigger software for free at[/]="http://sourceforge…"]Audio Trigger | Download Audio Trigger software for free at[/]

Thu, 04/07/2011 - 12:45 Permalink

Does the recording have to start and stop or is there just low noise you don't want to hear? You could use a noise gate, but you'd be recording continually and wouldn't get an audible signal until the signal surpassed the threshold set on the gate. It might work for your situation. Maybe a noise gate can be side-chained to a midi device that controls the recording feature of the DAW?

Thu, 04/14/2011 - 11:23 Permalink