hi, i don't even own Cubase yet, but i've been reading through the manual. i'm at the automation subtracks section, and it doesn't show the option for surround panning parameters. what's up with that? does this mean i can't use surround panning for midi at all, or just in automation? are there any ways around this? i've been all psyched up about using surround panning, so please tell me i don't have to shoot myself in the face now.
thanks, Reuben
There isn't a midi controller code specifically for surround, bu
There isn't a midi controller code specifically for surround, but some synths may have implemented a sys ex or multiple cc assignment for surround panning.
In SX, you can automate surround at the softsynth's audio outputs in the audio mixer though, just as you would for any audio track.
AKR wrote: hi, i don't even own cubase yet, but i've been readin
It means that midi is not audio. Convert the midi track to audio and you can pan to taste in the 5.1 field.
TheArchitect wrote: [quote=AKR]hi, i don't even own cubase yet,
It means that midi is not audio. Convert the midi track to audio and you can pan to taste in the 5.1 field.
simple enough. thank you. and thanks to dterry as well.