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Old Anus Rebirth?

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Submitted by Michael Scott on

Would it be worth bringing my old Anus P3B-F(has a 600E p3) back to life with one(1.4GhZ CPU) of the PowerLeap upgrades?

"The PowerLeap PL-IP3/T™ is a patented processor upgrade for Slot-1 Pentium-II, Pentium-III and Celeron systems and motherboards. With the PL-IP3/T™, such systems can reach speeds up to 1.4 GHz, depending on their maximum front-side bus (FSB) speeds. The PL-IP3/T™ uses the latest genuine Intel FC-PGA2 processors featuring the new "Tualatin" core, with enhanced L2 cache size and other optimizations not available in previous Pentium-III or Celeron processors."

I thought maybe it might work as a softsynth system. This system has 1 gig ram in it and a fasttrac raid controller with 3 20G in raid 0 and a 14G system hd.
