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I currently use the onyx 1640 w/ firewire. and cubase. i run my fantom keyboard and the akai mpc into the onyx. . i want to record tracks simutaneously but onto separate tracks into cubase. can someone explain exactly step by step wat i need to do to accomplish this?

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MAXIMILIAN Sun, 10/02/2005 - 21:44

You've installed the drivers from mackie right? You should see the mackie device listed somewhere under "sounds and audio devices" in the control panel of your pc. (I'm assuming you're using windows). Look for something about "vst-buses" or "routing" in the html help within cubase. You'll have some basic setting up to do. Once you're done, whenever you click on the "input field" on any channel strip you'll get a dropdown list of all the available inputs (1-16). Just choose different inputs for different tracks. Here's a tip, you have to power up your pc before you turn the mackie on. For some reason windows will only recognize the Mackie if it's turned on after windows is running.


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