I'm thinking of buying a Yamaha MG16/4 mixer for my small home studio. In the manual it states that the channel inserts are out of phase with the rest of the outputs on the board. If I were to use the inserts as direct outs to an 8 track for guitars, vocals etc, and use the sub outs (which are 180* out of phase) for the drums, would there be phasing issues on the recording if I were to record a live session? My understanding is that there shouldn't be problems unless the drums mics pick up a lot of guitar/vocals, and vice-versa. Please tell me if I'm wrong!
BrianAltenhofel wrote: Just mod your cables if their out of phas
BrianAltenhofel wrote: Just mod your cables if their out of phase.
That's hard to do with an unbalanced insert send ... You could do that with the bus sends a lot easier.
But the scenario Rattlesnake Suitcase discribed in your post shouldn't present a problem ...
This is why the better consoles and mic pres have phase flips ..
We have one in our live rack.It is clean and the pres are the be
We have one in our live rack.It is clean and the pres are the best I've ever heard for $200 as well as the EQ.It sounds better than any Mackie I've used(several)...The controls feel much more expensive than they are and it has held up well in the +8 months we've used it....fairly extensively.All in all a 'best buy'...
Just mod your cables if their out of phase.
Just mod your cables if their out of phase.