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Out of Phase?

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 04/24/2005 - 16:12

I'm thinking of buying a Yamaha MG16/4 mixer for my small home studio. In the manual it states that the channel inserts are out of phase with the rest of the outputs on the board. If I were to use the inserts as direct outs to an 8 track for guitars, vocals etc, and use the sub outs (which are 180* out of phase) for the drums, would there be phasing issues on the recording if I were to record a live session? My understanding is that there shouldn't be problems unless the drums mics pick up a lot of guitar/vocals, and vice-versa. Please tell me if I'm wrong!


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Kurt Foster

BrianAltenhofel wrote: Just mod your cables if their out of phase.

That's hard to do with an unbalanced insert send ... You could do that with the bus sends a lot easier.

But the scenario Rattlesnake Suitcase discribed in your post shouldn't present a problem ...

This is why the better consoles and mic pres have phase flips ..

Mon, 04/25/2005 - 11:34 Permalink
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Pro Tools

We have one in our live rack.It is clean and the pres are the best I've ever heard for $200 as well as the EQ.It sounds better than any Mackie I've used(several)...The controls feel much more expensive than they are and it has held up well in the +8 months we've used it....fairly extensively.All in all a 'best buy'...

Mon, 04/25/2005 - 15:53 Permalink