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Periodic Clicking Noise Removal(fMRI)

Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 10:35

I'm currently working on a project in which I'm trying to separate a much louder and rapid periodic clicking tone from a barely audible recording of a voice. I know I'm in need of some high-endsoftware, and I've just started playing around with Izotope's RX in order to get the job done, however, it seems near impossible with the settings I have to work with. Are there any recommended tips/tricks you would recommend? Any good software worth checking out?

I should probably mention that I've already tried the brute force method of defining the peaks of this clicking and subtracting it from the whole audio file (in Audacity) but that was no use. Also, in case you were wondering, the project is the isolation of speech in an fMRI setting, so imagine trying to separate a noise like this…"]What does an MRI scan sound like? - YouTube[/]="…"]What does an MRI scan sound like? - YouTube[/] from barely audible speech within the same .wav file.