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Pod XT through a Boss BR532?

Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 11:52

Hey all,

I would like to get into doing some amateur guitar recording. I have:

* A Pod XT
* A Boss BR532 (digital 4-track)
* CoolEdit PC recording software

At the moment I am playing into the Boss, and then hooking the Boss up to my PC sound cards line-in to transfer the recording into CoolEdit and save as mp3.

This works fine and the quality sounds great...but I really want to be able to play through my Pod XT into the Boss.

My problem is that I can't see how to connect the Pod XT to the Boss BR532 4-track [Frown] I am not sure what cable I would need or what the correct way of doing it is to get the best quality and make sure the Pod XT output sounds clear into the Boss. I have tried looking on the net for information on how to connect the two...but found nothing [Frown]

Can anyone help?

