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Boss BR1600CD

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Submitted by david connelly on Sat, 06/21/2014 - 03:26

Looking for a bit of help. I have a BR1600CD, great machine. I'm having a bit of difficulty with the recording level when I create a V Track on 9/10. I'm trying to bounce two drum tracks, 4 and 8 to 9/10, however the recording level drops to about half way so the drum track gets lost. Just not loud enough. Have tried eq etc, no luck, Can you help?

boss br 1600 help

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Submitted by REDSTRAT8 on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 04:38

i have no idea how to use mic for vocals .i want to hear how it sounds without recording anything .i see no where how to just plugin mic and start singing etc without having to record .and i don;t know how to record anywhy ha ah