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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/24/2005 - 19:44

I need some advice from some of you pro tools users. I recently did a project where i chained up 2 digi002s. i of course changed the clock setting to ADAT. When it comes time to bounce i have some troubles. During the bounce it plays back at the right time. After its done and i import to itunes or windows media player the song is sped up. Any advice on how i can most easily get this right? Thanks


This could be the cause: a sampling frequency mismatch somewhere.

Was your PT the digital master? Or was it slaved to an external digital source? (Like a digital mixer) If so, you need to make sure you create a session that has the same sampling rate as the digital reference. Otherwise, PT will think that it's running at 44.1 when it's actually running at 48kHz. (or the other way around.)
Once you bounce, PT uses the session's Sampling frequency to decide what to do conversion wise... So it does change the speed of your file when it shouldn't.

I have not yet found a cure to this, it's been discussed before on RO.

When it happened to me, I restarted the project all over...
Now my PT HD hardware is master over any digital device in the studio and it can't happen anymore.

Always listen back to your bounces within PT (from the import audio window, find your bounces and hit the play button) before you leave your session. If something went wrong, you'll hear it right away...

I hope this helps a bit.


Thu, 03/24/2005 - 23:45 Permalink

hey guys...thanks for your words...i dont know if i goofed up by chaining them together or not...i simply ran a digital cable to the added digi002 and changed the clock source to adat because i was told that is what i was supposed to i did it without thinking there a way to chain up 2 digi002s without putting the clock source as tools was my master...i wasnt using any digital mixers or anything..just a mackie 32x8 to the digi002s...any more info you guys can give me? thanks

Fri, 03/25/2005 - 12:56 Permalink

were both sessions on the two computers set for the same sample rate ?

I think the slave unit had a different session setting to the master unit and there's a problem.
Set the system up again so it is playing correctly and do some analog transfers into new sessions set to the rate you do want.
It will be a little tricky but I think with the two systems you should be able to set something up.

It may require having the sessions on removable Hard-Drives and use one system to force the clock of the other.
Then you need to record the analog pass into the machine that is currently at the correct rate and in INTERNAL sync ...

so very complicated isn't it
and so very hard to put into written words

get a third system on loan ???

analog transfer OR edit the Header info.

Lets start again !
What do you have and what do you need to achieve ?

Is the object to get all the audio into one session so you can go to a TDM system OR is it just to get all audio playing correctly so you can get an analog mix down through the Mackie ??

Fri, 03/25/2005 - 13:22 Permalink

basically here is what i need done...i need to be able to listen to the final mix of a tune after i have exported it and it be the right speed...i only used 1 computer...i just chained up 2 digi002s together...basically waht you guys are saying is that i need to somehow get this session into a new session with the internal clock source...whihc can be achieved by sending it out to my console and then back in as a new session wiht the right settings...can i have 2 sessions open at once like that? i might sould like a moron i a new pro tools user...ive been a loyal digital performer user but have been messing with pro tools lately...its pro tools 5 by teh way...thanks for the help guys..keep it coming

Fri, 03/25/2005 - 21:56 Permalink

i used one computer and chained up 2 digi002s...i ran a digital cable to connect them...changed the clock source to adat and i got 8 more inputs to show up in pro tools...i dont know if its advertised that 2 can be chained...but it can be done...ive done it ha...i just wish there was an easier way to get the song in the right speed after ive exported it...makes no sense to me...has anyone else tried to sync up 2 digi002s...

Sat, 03/26/2005 - 09:36 Permalink