So, I am upgrading my recording computer and find myself in the same old spot. What Motherboard and CPU combination should I be looking at purchasing?
It seems no one is willing to, or can't, give a definitive answer to this question.
Maybe it's because the question is the wrong one?
Maybe the question(s) should be:
1 - What considerations do I need to think about when looking at Motherboards and CPUs?
2 - What motherboard and CPU stats are important for a Audio Engineer?
3 - What kind of connections does a recording computer need and how many of each?
These are just a few questions i'm sure there are many more.
As for me, I have been looking at both mobo and cpu but just end up with too many choices to consider. I need to narrow down the field.
Thnx, but really it was a simple question that many many many pe
Thnx, but really it was a simple question that many many many people ask and need to ask and will keep on asking. Didn't have to get in my face about it though.
If I was even remotely looking at a $50,000 price tag the last place I would be asking for advice is here.
No worries though bro, I think I got most of my questions answered from my research.
You're correct. Every dummy in the world will keep asking what
You're correct. Every dummy in the world will keep asking what kind of computer to get before they do any research. Before they know anything about recording or recording equipment. Sure. And you've done your research so you already know what to get but you also thought you'd waste our time asking us. Well you're welcome. Nothing like getting your panties in a bunch when you are provided competent non-sales oriented information. Like I'm trying to sell you something you rude little snot. So I really hope you waste your money and come up with really poor results.Because that saw you deserve since Santa knows whether you been rude, impolite, expecting your satisfaction for free, yup. Santa is going to treat you real well... when you meet him in hell.
Merry Crotchmess Dingelberryhowdy
Mx. Remy Ann David
I think it's sometimes important to perhaps work backwards? Wha
I think it's sometimes important to perhaps work backwards? What's the first thing you need to make a recording with?
The answer is obviously, a microphone. And depending upon the application, perhaps quite a few microphones? Maybe as many as from 1 to 48 or more? So that's your first criteria.
Now... what do you want to plug those microphones into and what does it need to do? Is this just for pure tracking purposes or do you also need it to function as a mixer? And if you need it to be a mixer, do you want analog or digital or something that combines both? And what kind of interface doesn't provide for the new computer you want to assemble? Does it have computer interfaces on the device and if so, what kind of computer interface?
Once you have all of this, you assemble a computer to interface with all of this stuff and build your computer upon the criteria necessary for the interfacing and the function that you will be utilizing the computer for. Will it be the basis as a controller to software and interfaced with a full-blown large mixer like control surface?
On the other hand, you can simply go out and purchase a computer and find out what will work with it but that's a trial and error process that'll cost ya a lot more money than you may still end up unhappy with your outcome? As actual real and experienced audio engineers, we already have a good idea of what we need and what we have to use to go about our work. And nothing much has changed in this newer computer centric world we currently live in. So everybody asks about building their own studio and what computer to get, that can only be answered after you build your studio.
Of course there are also those people who just purchased a fully integrated all-in-one ProTools or, ProTools like system, where everything has been integrated already into everything else that needs to be integrated with. And you can have stuff like that for a cool + $50,000 and up. Might be able to find one used for around $20,000? How does that ring your bell? I mean if all you ever intend on using is a simple USB box with only two microphone inputs I'd say buy yourself any computer today because it far outperforms any computer from 10 years ago. You'll have no problem recording anything you want on even cheap old computers. You'll have no problem mixing whatever you want on virtually any new computer made today and on sale now less. If you want to build a real studio, you have to put a lot more thought into it then just what kind of computer to get even as a start or jumping off point.
If all you want is from 1-8 inputs and real-time processing any modern day laptop or desktop will fill that bill for you regardless of who made it, what CPU is in it and whether it's a desktop or a laptop. Computers designed for maniac gamers which are usually particularly fast and capable, can usually make for good computer audio workstations. Whereas a standard office computer may not be as fast, certainly designed for the utmost in stability and generally still capable of giving you all that you want albeit perhaps a bit slower or requiring some buffering and/or rendering. But if your plans are to utilize special professional computer audio interfaces, that will depend upon whatever kind of external connectivity the device requires. Which may skew your decision-making upon what computer to purchase.
Ya know it's all in the cards? More like the roll of the dice, crapshoot. This won't be your last computer.
Mx. Remy Ann David