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I got a firepod and bought a new laptop (my old one didnt work with it) so I can record my shows.. Its just me and my guitar. It was a quick recording, live 1 take in my computer room, so quality may not be that good. Theres probably a mistake or two in there too, i just wrote the song this week.

I set it up with one Large Diaphram Condensor mic (picking up vocals and guitar) (tudio porjects b1) and a line in out of my guitar. Recorded vocals and guitar at the same in one shot. Then Cubase wouldnt mix it down so i spent half the night screwing around and eventually downloaded N-Track studio. That worked to mix it down and I here it is. I used Reverb plugin , and the rest is just how it was recorded.

Let me know what you think!



anonymous Fri, 09/23/2005 - 22:22

geeknik wrote: Sounds awesome. did you use any compression? During that chorus it gets a little in my grill. Great job!

Thanks a lot! No I didnt. I was gogin to use the compression that came with Cubase, but it wasnt great, neither was the n-track plugin. So i just went with only a touch of reverb to smooth it out.



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