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I'm recording drums here.
My 20" kick sounds way better then 22" (same model, wood)

22 has got a lot of low end, a bit boomy...
I use AUDIX D6.
I hear about using 2mics as it is such a big drum...
would D4 be a good 2nd one?
I've tried Micing just outside, pointing to beater, middle.

20" has a nice attack and bodied sound compared to 22.
Acousticly though, the 22" has a bigger sound.



anonymous Wed, 10/27/2004 - 14:20

I'm not exactly sure what you're saying... Are you wanting the 20" to sound as big as the 22" or are you looking to make the 22" sound as tight as the 20"?

In my opinion, you can make a 20" sound huge, and you can do that by adding a second mic. Typically, you'll be going for a beater sound with a close mic inside and a beefier sound with the other mic just outside the port. If those two mics are the only ones you have to choose from, I would put the D4 inside the kick.

Personally, I would work at getting a killer sound from the 22". Experiment, tune it differently. If it's too boomy, try taking the resonant head off and move around the D6 until you find your sweet spot (the perfect blend of beater and boom).

Davedog Wed, 10/27/2004 - 15:46

It has been my experience that the smaller the kick drum the easier to tune and to manage the recordability....and if you already have the two kicks and one is getting the sound you want, why do you have a problem?Use what works...there are no points awarded for drum size in recording.....
In answer to your question you can use two mics on anything...phase problems must be considered...I sometimes use two mics on the kick and blend the tracks together for one sound...I use a D4 close to the beater for the klick and am ATM25 or a large diaphram condenser outside the head for the boom...with a D6 you should be able to get a great kick sound just by tuning the drum to taste and setting the mic inside...they are that good.

anonymous Fri, 10/29/2004 - 02:39

My problem is: I'm the drummer & the engineer, wich means placing, recording,listening...

to find sweet spot i just guess....

Well... why don't you ask someone else to play the kick for you while you're listening in the studio? You don't necessarily have to be a drummer to do that. :) Or do record a few takes with different mic-positions and compare them.


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