got a session on thursday and i need to know what is the best way to mic/record a kora for an african session i've got. all your tips and suggestions are most appreciated. thks and have a nice day.
I haven't done it before, but I have a little bit of an idea based on liner notes to a kora album that I have.
If the kora is being recorded by itself, I would say go for a nice naturally reverberant room, and mic from a few feet away, to catch all the elements of the instrument's sound (like with orchestral instruments). Apparently, though, they're pretty quiet, so if there's a group playing together or if your room isolation isn't ideal, you may have to mic a bit closer, maybe with more than one.
It's not too different from a lute (guitar). Just tensioned strings and a resonator (a gourd). So maybe go at it the same way you might mic an acoustic guitar. Just listen to it! I'm sure you know that already.
Here's a picture with a kora to give you an idea if you haven't seen one:
Mike, I haven't done it before, but I have a little bit of an
I haven't done it before, but I have a little bit of an idea based on liner notes to a kora album that I have.
If the kora is being recorded by itself, I would say go for a nice naturally reverberant room, and mic from a few feet away, to catch all the elements of the instrument's sound (like with orchestral instruments). Apparently, though, they're pretty quiet, so if there's a group playing together or if your room isolation isn't ideal, you may have to mic a bit closer, maybe with more than one.
It's not too different from a lute (guitar). Just tensioned strings and a resonator (a gourd). So maybe go at it the same way you might mic an acoustic guitar. Just listen to it! I'm sure you know that already.
Here's a picture with a kora to give you an idea if you haven't seen one: