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Recording A Marimba Ensemble

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Submitted by Drewslum on

Hey Everyone,

I am going to be recording an African marimba ensemble very soon and would like to see if anyone had any thoughts on set up/microphones/techniques!

The only information I have on the set up is that there will be 8 marimbas including one bass marimba. They will be set up in an elementary school concert room, which should have a good ceiling height and a decent amount of room (I haven't heard or seen the room yet, but what can I do? ( =

My thinking on the approach is to try and achieve the most accurate sound I can (similar to an orchestral gig). I was going to throw up LDCs as spot mics for each instrument in addition to a few room mics. But I might now do dynamics as the spot mics becuase of the percussive nature?

I'm also wondering about the bass marimba and how I can maintain some bass response.

I hope to hear some ideas!

