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Reel to Reel Versus PC

Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/06/2004 - 13:48

What should the sampling rate on a PC recording software program be set to to emulate the sound on a R to R? I'm trying to get the most sampling without incurring latency using Steiberg's Cubase SL.




Sort of difficult to answer. The sample rate is not what counts. Go for 44.1kHz or whatever you like. There is no way the Computer will sound like a Reel to Reel tape recorder just by varying the sample rate.

There are a few programs and plugins that try to emulate Reel to Reel recorders. As far as I know they can run at whatever sample rate you choose, and as far as I know not a single one of them works. At least not very well.


Wed, 10/06/2004 - 13:58 Permalink

We'll find out...

Thanks Gunnar,

Actually in about a week we'll have both the PC and a Reel to Reel, so we'll be able to see the difference first hand. I'm more inclined to the PC as the friend I am recording with is adamant about using the R to R. He's probably correct in that the sound will have more "warmth". If we do record to the R to R, will sound quality be lost when converting those tracks to CD format?


Wed, 10/06/2004 - 14:05 Permalink

I track basics to a 2" 24 track Studer then dump down to Protools.
I prefer this technique when I can get the artist to foot the bill for tape.

Then I'll finish over-dubs and mix in PT.

Ya know, I listened to some albums that I recorded 10 years ago that where tracked and mixed all analog and...
I find it much harder to replicate the organic/depth/warmth in an all DAW format.

I'm hoping to track a Blues album, coming up next month, all analog. This excites me to no end. I'm a simple man I guess.?

Man I rant alot.

Wed, 10/06/2004 - 17:57 Permalink

Reel to Reel

Yep, the mixer is a Behringer--EURODESK MX3282A
32-Channel 8-Bus Mixing Console and the R TO R is a Tascam MSR-16-- I'll take it from there to the PC using the Cubase program. Or, is there a better way to take it from the R to R and burn it directly to CD? Last question is that my soundcard is an Audigy Sound Blaster Platinum Z but only has one 1/4 input. Is this soundcard adequate for quality recording or is there a better soundcard (external or internal) that will work well for our set up.



Thu, 10/07/2004 - 08:00 Permalink