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What should the sampling rate on a PC recording software program be set to to emulate the sound on a R to R? I'm trying to get the most sampling without incurring latency using Steiberg's Cubase SL.


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ghellquist Wed, 10/06/2004 - 13:58


Sort of difficult to answer. The sample rate is not what counts. Go for 44.1kHz or whatever you like. There is no way the Computer will sound like a Reel to Reel tape recorder just by varying the sample rate.

There are a few programs and plugins that try to emulate Reel to Reel recorders. As far as I know they can run at whatever sample rate you choose, and as far as I know not a single one of them works. At least not very well.


anonymous Wed, 10/06/2004 - 14:05

We'll find out...

Thanks Gunnar,

Actually in about a week we'll have both the PC and a Reel to Reel, so we'll be able to see the difference first hand. I'm more inclined to the PC as the friend I am recording with is adamant about using the R to R. He's probably correct in that the sound will have more "warmth". If we do record to the R to R, will sound quality be lost when converting those tracks to CD format?


LittleDogAudio Wed, 10/06/2004 - 17:57

I track basics to a 2" 24 track Studer then dump down to Protools.
I prefer this technique when I can get the artist to foot the bill for tape.

Then I'll finish over-dubs and mix in PT.

Ya know, I listened to some albums that I recorded 10 years ago that where tracked and mixed all analog and...
I find it much harder to replicate the organic/depth/warmth in an all DAW format.

I'm hoping to track a Blues album, coming up next month, all analog. This excites me to no end. I'm a simple man I guess.?

Man I rant alot.

anonymous Thu, 10/07/2004 - 08:00

Reel to Reel

Yep, the mixer is a Behringer--EURODESK MX3282A
32-Channel 8-Bus Mixing Console and the R TO R is a Tascam MSR-16-- I'll take it from there to the PC using the Cubase program. Or, is there a better way to take it from the R to R and burn it directly to CD? Last question is that my soundcard is an Audigy Sound Blaster Platinum Z but only has one 1/4 input. Is this soundcard adequate for quality recording or is there a better soundcard (external or internal) that will work well for our set up.




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