anonymous 19 March 2004 I am having some problem with my kick drum somtimes when i hit one there are two or three sound coming out,i am using the pad with Alesis D4 DRUM MODULE.thanks Ewell Tags kick drum roland Log in or register to post comments Comments Could you give some specifics on your midi parameters in both de dabmeister music Fri, 03/19/2004 - 07:45 Could you give some specifics on your midi parameters in both devices? Log in or register to post comments
Could you give some specifics on your midi parameters in both de dabmeister music Fri, 03/19/2004 - 07:45 Could you give some specifics on your midi parameters in both devices? Log in or register to post comments
Could you give some specifics on your midi parameters in both de
Could you give some specifics on your midi parameters in both devices?