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Thought I'd share some DIY Projects I've designed and built.
First photo is from my home studio: I designed and built the 24-space rack, the Workstation/Desk, the 8-inch deep acoustic panels behind the desk and the supports for the 3 Owens-Corning 703 Acoustic Panels (I bought the Panels "Raw" from ATS Acoustics then covered them).


RemyRAD Fri, 10/28/2011 - 13:55

Weill you have some very functional furniture for your studio you have built. Yup, it's a moral imperative. Although I thought by your first post, you're speaking of DIY equipment? For instance, at an after AES show studio party at FLUX Studios, I saw Fab's DIY 1176 limiter. Its appearance was precise to the original blackface 1176's but it's guts were a pre-etched third-party circuitboard. So it's more like a later 1980s Silver face 1176 even though it's a blackface 1176 knockoff. Sounds and works like the real thing along with the ability to depress all 4 ratio buttons simultaneously. It can be had for a fraction of the price of the real deal. Back in the old analog studio days, it was nearly de rigueur to custom build most everything. Some of us even built our own analog multitrack recorders in the 2 inch variety. I custom built and designed a 24 input console when I was just 22 years old out of available op amps & equalizers of the times. So even though I utilized handfuls of op amps from API & Op Amp Labs, that does not for a console make. One still had to figure out all signal routing, gain staging and concept of operations. That console from 1978 is still operational today. So when you start with materials designed to last you get a lasting product. That can't be said for much of anything made today, commercially unless you DIY.

DIY since 14
Mx. Remy Ann David

homestudioguy Fri, 10/28/2011 - 19:04

Thanks for your kind words.
As this is the "Budget Gear" part of the Forum, I felt this was the appropriate place to discuss low-cost projects such as mine.
My first foray into electronics was when I was 14 and I took apart and, luckily, put back together my Dad's Realistic Reel To Reel recorder.
Although I had a few screws left over, it still worked just fine. :wink:
I actually went the Radio/TV route during and after High School ('73!) with hopes of working in the Pittsburgh market.
Unfortunately, Mom died in '73, we lost our house and personal belongings so I worked in a Steel Manufacturing Plant for 2 years before being able to further my education where I went the Music Performance Route.
However, by age 24 I was playing in a metropolitan status symphony orchestra and doing freelance work with Ringling Brothers, Ice Shows and tons of other awesome musical things.
As you can see, though, the electronics bug is still with me in part!
I'm like ADD with attraction to meters, dials, blinking lights, faders, tubes, shiny surfaces and connecting cables :smile:
Thanks again!
Bob G.

RemyRAD Fri, 10/28/2011 - 22:32

Bob, our stories sound nearly identical except that my mom is still with us at nearly 88. My condolences to you that must've been a terrible time of your life. I was supposed to be class of 1973 but due to a ADD problem I had to repeat the fifth grade. In high school I cut a lot of my classes just to sit in the band practice rooms and play my French horn all day. By the time I was 18, I was ready to audition for local Baltimore/Washington civic orchestras. Some kid vandalizing my car caught me offguard and ended my embouchure forever with his fist. I tried for 1 1/2 years to get my embouchure back but there is nerve damage. So no French horn for me in the orchestra. No problem, I became a broadcaster at 15. At 17 I was working for the largest recording studio south of NYC bigger than anything in Philadelphia in Baltimore. There were numerous other radio stations I worked for until I built Baltimore's third-largest recording studio in 1978 in my early 20s. And for a short while, I was disenfranchised from the rest of my family and had to work for a short while for Pep Boys at 18. And also for a short while as a telephone bill collector for a major credit card company which allowed me to perfect my announcer delivery which help to eventually got me in as a DJ at the number one rock station in Baltimore. But that's not where my passions lie. And unfortunately NYC didn't quite work out for me much after nearly a year at Media Sound when I got mugged in the subway stop. So then came a multimillion dollar advertising agency where I was both a producer & engineer. In fact some of the jingles I produced back in 1979 a friend of mine just called me today and told me he heard one of my many jingles today that are over 33 years old. So I guess I did a good job? I can hardly believe they are still in use. And they were never released in stereo. I'm the only one that has the stereo versions. LOL but it still proves that a good mono mix is still impressive. Yep, we're both ADD and proud... hey look, a chicken!

I think maybe I'll do another stay awake marathon? Maybe this time 4 days? I know this is really strange but I never liked the smell of Ampex recording tape. That's probably why I like Scotch today? I think I'll have another.

Mx. Remy Ann David


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