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Stereo ---> mono

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 05:01

Hi there, simple question but I’m a simple person.

This is my setup:

PC with Audiophile 2496 so 2ins, 2outs and SPDIF
Waldorf Pulse synth (for bass)
Boss DR202 drum machine

...and I am trying to buy a second synth for pads / leads etc. The synth I want has SPDIF I/O. So I was thinking about connecting it up like this:

Pulse into input 1 (mono)
Boss 202 into input 2 (mono)
New synth into SPDIF (stereo)

This seems reasonable doesn’t it? The trouble is that the pulse and the boss have stereo outs. Shall I just rip a stereo cable apart and only use the red/right channel out of the intruments?
