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Hi all,
I have a question for the group.
In recording the bass guitar I have notice some strange waveforms.
You can see it here...

Anyway, to my eye, it appears to be phasing of sorts...
Let me describe the chain:
Bass (active) --> Alembic F-1X preamp -->MOTU 896HD (line level) --> Logic.
Has anyone every noticed this before? Is it normal? How can I eliminate it?
Thanks in advance,

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anonymous Thu, 04/27/2006 - 05:49

Thanks D.
I am nearly positive that I don't hear anything out of the ordinary after the track has been recorded.
While recording, though, I, more often than not, hear a "chorusing"-type of effect. Not latency, that sounds different.
I ran some tests after I posted this and the results were the same...
Active bass --> preamp --> motu
Active bass --> motu
Passive bass --> preamp --> motu
Passive bass --> motu
Even thinking that there was some phasing with magnetic pickups, I tried it with a piezo-pickup and got the same result.
Anyway, I welcome others to chime in with their .02.
Thanks, it's good to be "hear"!

anonymous Thu, 04/27/2006 - 12:16


I'm a solo bass artist myself, and I've recorded 4 albums in the past.

I see this waveform a lot. At first, I had assumed it might be something weird, but never noticed anything wrong with the sound. Instead, I just assumed that it was normal. After some compression though, it should go back to at least "looking" normal.



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