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Hello all,

I recently recived some disturbing news, after looking into the very in-tree-ging Tube Echo unit built by Richard Beck in 1998, based on the famous Echoplex unit, (I have one from 1962!) called simply, "The Plex."

I was going to get 1 last year, but I did not have the cash at the time. they were going for $800.00. Now I found out that they are out of business since last year. They only made about 300 units and now it is all over.

I was devistated. I really need a new Tape Delay, I would rather a Valve one though.

I know this gentalman named Charlie Watkins from London, England makes one called the "Copycat."

Does anyone know of where I might find a company that makes current Tape delays. I need the best one I can find. My production work calls for a reliable unit, otherwise I would just use the 2 Echoplex's I have (1 Solied State 1 Tube.)

Any information would be greatly appreciated, even if it is for some other used or funky tape delay, I have to start the hunt some way!


Mad John
Zythum Studios
1st Take Productions

"The present day Composer refuses to die!" - Edgard Varese - 1921



audiowkstation Fri, 06/14/2002 - 14:59

If I got you all the parts to build one..and you loaded your own tape...what would that be worth to you?

It is quite easy.

Muzak had tons of cart machine mechanisms that will serve as the build the box, load the tape and viola....echoplex.

I can get you an transport for shipping plus 35 bux. Hope you are in the US. I can get the obsolete transports for 35.

email at I can figure out the particulars...we can make some units together. Tape is no problem.

Mad John Sat, 06/15/2002 - 06:52

Bill, thanks for the response. However, I am not very good with "Electronics!" I am a very busy, nervous and tempermental artist, makeing one is something I would leave to someone else.

If you can make one for under a grand, I would consider it heavily. But what are the factors involved? I am sure they are not as easy to produce as you say, other wise we would have a full market of such a device. From what I have heard, they are difficult to keep up, so the buying public would rather a Line 6!

I live in NY! :roll:
It could be worse....I could live with Sting! OZ

Mad John
Zythum Studios
1st Take Productions

"The present day Composer refuses to die!" - Edgard Varese - 1921

audiowkstation Sat, 06/15/2002 - 07:42

This week, I will pick up some of the transports and see what is involved. It would certainly be well under a grand..but if it works well, I can get all the transports. Their will be 53 units avalable..but give me at least a month to get something done..I will do one for me to overcome the teething problems. Me likes weekends off!!

audiowkstation Sat, 06/15/2002 - 08:41

I would not say...production..but I will build one to see if it is feasable. Since I have access to 53 trasports, tons of tape..etc...why not do some "side work".

The tube driver stage cost me about 225 to build with the tubes being 12AU7's. The 12AX7's Mu would be too high for this application.. Solid state driver would certainly be a "good one" not some cheesy chip. It will be fun to see where this will go..the first one will be cosmetics really can drive up cost.

Here is what I will need to do:

Build the tape box. Inplement the driver stages. purchase a new head. Some machine work on the transport as well.

You can help me by leading me to all the echoplex links that are viable for assistance..should I get stuck somewhere. I used those things as door stops and threw away 3 of them 14 years ago. I am reinterested as well.

Mad John Sat, 06/15/2002 - 09:11

Stereo?!!! :) :tu: :tu:

That would be splendid! If this works I will be your greatest sponsor! My Production work is largly based on Tape Echo and this would be a great asset to my future.

Bill of course I will help you in any way that I can!

Feel free to E-mail me anytime.

Best of luck on your venture!!!

Mad John
Zythum Studios
1st Take Productions

"The present day Composer refuses to die!" - Edgard Varese - 1921

audiowkstation Sun, 06/16/2002 - 14:13

One thing is for will take some time. Perhaps 2 to 5 months. I have appointments next weekent and the one after, then my b. it will be a month before I do anything. I will pick up some transports in the meantime. The emag is a likely candidate..but at this point this project is conjecture until I have a working un it that is reliable. If it does not pass my tests..then the whole thing is wishful thinking, if it does..then baby steps of progression. These type projects can drag out and I will not pressure myself with any sort of deadline...that will take all the fun away. It shall be a fun experiment to make it work it is easy..just time consuming.


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