How is this voices effect made? Example song, Kent - Pärlor:
(Every other phrase)
Kind regards /Magnus
Thank you for your quick answer. Maybe you can download the song
Thank you for your quick answer. Maybe you can download the song directly:
or I will try to fix another link. This will take me some time. Thanks in the meantime.
magnus2, that vocal effect is simply a narrow telephone bandpass
magnus2, that vocal effect is simply a narrow telephone bandpass filter. If your software offers a "FFT" filter, you would create sharp, brick wall hard cutoffs at 300 hertz and 3000 hertz, which is the telephone frequency response in the US. A fun and common effect to use. But it doesn't really work well, unless you can provide good hard cut offs. Some console overload on the microphone preamp can also help make it more grungy sounding.
Alternatively, you can get close to that effect with a simple program equalizer that you find in most common audio consoles, like Mackie's, by fully rolling off both the bass control and treble control, while providing a substantial boost with your midrange equalizer between 1000 and 4000 Hertz. That will get you real close to that telephone effect sound.
I will say that your posted song example, is so over optimized, overblown and over distorted, I was rather disappointed. It's otherwise a nicely engineered example, I just don't understand how it got this overblown?? Not good.
Please deposit another $.50
Ms. Remy Ann David
Funny, my browser won't open your link. Obviously some kind of
Funny, my browser won't open your link. Obviously some kind of spam like, ad-ware cookies is attempting to be installed? Try another site, please.
No seeds. Nospam. That you don't need. Acapulco Gold is not a capsule coating.
Ms. Remy Ann David