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What to do to keep stereo buss to peak on PT?

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/09/2002 - 06:19

How do you guys proceed when the stereo bus is "clipping"?
Lower each fader by the same amount?
Lower each fader by individual amounts?
Lower the master fader?


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Originally posted by jeronimo:
How do you guys proceed when the stereo bus is "clipping"?
Lower each fader by the same amount?
Lower each fader by individual amounts?
Lower the master fader?

Since you are probably going to use this advice on a future mix (I hope you aren'y waiting to "do" this "now"), I'd say this:

When you mix, try using -5db on your channel faders as your new "0db". Specifically,when you start your initial balance, anyyhing you might first throw up that you would put at 0db...put at -5db. After all, don't you usually run out of room (after getting your whole mix up and pumping). So, give your self some extra headroom from the start.

:p :p :cool:

Fri, 08/09/2002 - 07:03 Permalink
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So you do lower all the faders by the same amount.
I wander if when we do this, we loose the difference betwen the loudness of each track...
I mean, if we have one track at 0db and one at -20db let's say, if we lower 1db on both we just lowered 10% on the first track and around 12/13% on the second track... if the difference btw db levels on the tracks is bigger... you'll loose the proportion btw them... am I wrong?

Fri, 08/09/2002 - 13:12 Permalink
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I tend to use submixes more and the subs have plugs so I find this is where I make the largest adjustment.

The main bus might have a limiter on while tracking but it is only a saftey sort of thing and as things get closer to a mix it gets removed.

The sub-mixes is a great place for the fast mute or volume change. Yes I know there is the edit and mix groups and I do use them too.

Some would say , turn the plugs off and turn the subs off.... but this is just how I'm working at present.

Fri, 08/09/2002 - 13:47 Permalink