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alrighty folks, it seems like a simple question, I own a dbx 576 and am recording bass, I borrowed a MEEK from a friend (not sure of model) it is an older 2-rack space pre, with comp and enhance, big input knob on one side and output on the other. the style of music is just modern, I am using a fender marcus miller jazz bass with only the back pickup straight into the pre, which would use you and why?

meek or dbx?




moonbaby Tue, 09/20/2005 - 09:13

dbx. They make professional quality gear. The Joe Meek stuff is some of the whimpiest-built gear I have ever run across. And if you ever travel, the JM is definitely out-no PCB reinforcement in the ones I've run across. As far as sound is concerned, the dbx will be much less colored, bringing out the tone of that nice MM bass you have...