Im thinking about building a home studio? any ideas on what to get
Deshonna12 wrote: Im thinking about building a home studio? any
Deshonna12 wrote: Im thinking about building a home studio? any ideas on what to get
First, get the home. Then get the studio. Done!
When you say build, do you mean construct as in with wood and tools and stuff or do you mean aquire recording equipment? Since you posted the message here, I'm going to assume the latter as actual construction questions should be posted in the acoustics and design section.
You have two initial options:
1. Computer based DAW
2. All-in-one DAW.
There could be a 3rd option of the good ole tape machine but I think you should stay away from that.
After making that decision, the decisions get a bit more complicated.
If you chose option #1, you'll then need software to record with and an audio interface to get the audio into the computer. Then you can get into what sort of computer you should have, and the options there are way more than what I want to get into.
If you pick option #2, then you'll have the software and interface and none of the computer stuff to deal with but you'll have to compare all the different all-in-one devices available and pick one. Once you have made that decision, the rest of your needs are the same regardless of your previous choices...
You'll need speakers/monitors.
You'll need microphones.
You'll need microphone stands.
You'll need cables.
You'll need to know how to hook all this stuff up and use it.
With that, you can record.
Do you want to record as a profession or hobby or what?
Are you a solo artist and just want a way to record yourself/what will be the primary use of the studio?
What is your budget?
What type of instruments do you foresee yourself recording?
What is the level of your knowledge/experience with recording and recording devices?
Do you want really good recordings?
I'll repeat that...
Do you want really good recordings?
If so, why not save your time and the hassle and put your money into some time at a local studio. They should have talented people working there who already have aquired the knowledge and equipment to make good recordings. All you need to do is walk in with a little cash and some talent.
Deshonna12 wrote: I really want to use the studio as recording m
Deshonna12 wrote: I really want to use the studio as recording myself as an artist but i'm also on a budget
What are you recording, as in, what instruments?
Do you already have a computer? If so, is it beefy enough to handle audio processing?
The more explaination you can put into your questions the better your questions will be answered.
You can do quite a bit with 1-2k if you're only tracking, say, vocals and guitar. When you get into more/different instruments, you get into more/different gear.
Assuming you have a computer since you're using sequenced beats,
Assuming you have a computer since you're using sequenced beats, you're going to need the following, followed by my personal recommendations for hip-hop vocals:
Recording Software - Cubase SE ($149)
Large Diaphragm Condensor Mic - Audio-Technica AT4050 ($599)
Mic Preamp - Focusrite Voicemaster Pro with A/D card ($699)
Monitors - KRK V6's ($600)
Mic Stand, Cables, etc - ($150)
A little over $2k, but you can always swap out the Focusrite unit for an MBox ($450). I just figured on the Voicemaster because it's a full channel strip with a compressor/expander/desser, etc.
I'm sure others will have different suggestions, but this would get you a nice setup to start tracking vocals along with some sequencing power in Cubase. One thing, don't skimp out on cables, get good quality (Mogami, Canare).
One more thing, get yourself a good book on home recording!
[quote=Deshonna12]Do you this would be good enough for recording
[quote=Deshonna12]Do you this would be good enough for recording vocals and musical beats?
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Personally, I stay away from the package deals. They're usually just a bunch of b-stock that they couldn't sell individually.
The Akai unit is good for making beats, and Fruityloops is also a good program (fun, too). I would probably go with Sony's Acid for loop-based beats, just because I used to use it when it first came out and loved it. You can also record vocals with Acid. whi
which 1 should i get pro or music studio
Deshonna: That's a little like asking,"I want to buy a car. What
That's a little like asking,"I want to buy a car. What kind should I get?"
Only it's more complicated than that.
First off, you have to ask yourself a few questions:
A) Why do I want a studio? Is it to record friends' bands? Is it to put down quick tracks for your compositions? Is it to impress the opposite sex with the line, "Hey, wanna come up to my studio?"
B) How much $$ will I have to budget? I mean, are we talking about a $1000 studio-in-your-lap or a $10K full-blown 48-track rig complete with lava lamps and scented candles?
C) Is my abode really able to handle a project like this? Will my neighbors be throwing rocks at the place every time I hit "Record"?
Once you have determined the answers to these questions, you can post some more specific questions on the appropriate subject, like "Home and Project Studios", "Pro Audio Gear", "DAWs and Computing", etc.
Keep one thing in mind while you are sorting this stuff out: you can NEVER have enough money !!!