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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/13/2010 - 11:54

I have a small room 5 X 5 feet with foam on the walls and ceiling in that room is my GT50 mic, LCD monitor and keyboard going out to pc in adjacent room. GT50 mic à ART TPS II Preamp à Yamaha GO46 ADDA Fire-Wire à Dell Optiplex GX280 2.8GHz P4 80GB HD 1GB Ram, Windows XP, Cubase Studio 4, various plugins à I monitor recordings Sennheiser HD 280 PRO Headphones. I record at 24 bit 96,000 Hz setting,
and the recordings TO ME sound dull, no tone, not clear and bright. The XLR input cables I’ am using are of decent quality.
I am not using any insert plugins AS THEY FOLLOW THE RECORDED TRACK IN THE SIGNAL PATH ANYWAY. At least I believe so!
Maybe there’s too much foam on the walls or the room is to small?
Anyone have any suggestions. Help!



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Big K

Unless the voice is a bit dull, already, the foam should not have such a radical influence on the original source of sound..the mouth of the singer.
But it can mess up your room ambience sound quite a bit....
Ever tried it outside the recording room? Is it the same dullnes there?
Is the power supply to the mic ok? Checked the pre-amp with other mics, etc?
Strange ... ?!

Wed, 10/13/2010 - 16:13 Permalink
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HI Big K
I have been told I have a good singing voice. Something like Paul Simons of Simon & Garfunkel. I have tried it in a bigger room with less foam and my voice sounded less dull but to many mids like a tin can, not to mention the wife’s soap opera dialog. I checked the phantom voltage with a meter it was 48 V on nose. My other mics have relatively the same results.
Thank You: Big K

Thu, 10/14/2010 - 12:47 Permalink