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Glossary of Terms


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Submitted by audiokid on Sun, 04/09/2017 - 11:06

A luthier (/ˈluːtiər/ LOO-ti-ər)[1] is someone who builds or repairs string instruments generally consisting of a neck and a sound box. The word "luthier" comes from the French word luth, which means lute. A luthier was originally a maker of lutes, but the term now includes makers of stringed instruments such as the violin or classical guitar.


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Submitted by audiokid on Fri, 03/03/2017 - 20:33

Live - A reverberant acoustical condition, usually used in reference to a room whose many reflective surfaces encourage a lengthy reverberation time.


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Submitted by audiokid on Fri, 03/03/2017 - 20:33

LEDE - Live end, dead end. An optimal acoustical treatment plan for rooms in which one end is highly absorbent and the other end reflective and diffusive.


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Submitted by audiokid on Fri, 03/03/2017 - 20:33

Leakage - Any unwanted sound picked up by (or “leaking” into) a microphone from another instrument or loudspeaker. Sound from one room that is heard in another.