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2 computers

Patchbay, mixer vs. summing mixer

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Submitted by autocombustione on

I have three related questions for you.

I was uncertain whether ask for your help or not and eventually decided for this second option, I hope you'll help me focus on relevant facts.

The centre of my production system, with which i used to do soundtrack's songwriting and mixing with a friend/collegue of mine and other audio related

sharing audio data between 2 computers with Windows 7

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Submitted by anonymous on

I want to share data between my recording CP and my mastering CP. Both computers are not hardwired to the internet. The only way I access the internet is through one Dlink wireless usb dongle. I share the dongle between the two. The dongle is a pain and I wish I could run ethernet into my control room but its not an option anytime soon.

I have a few questions,

Static when recording vocals

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Submitted by Pimppistol on

So I bought a 200 dollar mic, forgot the brand at the moment and an interface which I forgot too. It's something 8 something fx. But when I'm not recording, I can hear the voice through the speakers and it sounds amazing clear and everything but when I record or have the computer set up to rcord, there's aa static in the background and there's a delay... Same when I hook up guitar.

Computers and Configuration PC

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Submitted by anonymous on

Here is a noobie ?. I have a Gateway Core 2 Duo Laptop, and I've been reading all of the stuff about needing 2 computers/harddrives, and was hoping someone could give me some pointers about getting this HP Pavilion 734 desktop, that I pulled out of the garage hooked up correctly, and were to put what as far as software, DAW, etc, and what to use each unit for. I don't have much so far.

KVM switches, 2 computers, one monitor, suggestions?

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Submitted by hxckid88 on

I have a gaming machine/audio machine and I'm finally putting down some money for a Mac Pro (as my dedicated DAW) and keeping my PC as a gaming/internet build.

I'm looking for a reliable KVM switch (a switch that allows me to have one monitor display, yet have 2 computers hooked up to it simultaneous so I can switch back and forth but leave them both on).