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2 computers

New Set-up

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi, I am studying Music Technology at AS level and will be going onto A2, I am planning on taking an Honors Degree after this of which I need a portfolio.

I am currently building a practise room for my drums and a small section for a mini studio. I do not have a huge budget but I am willing to save up over time for equipment.

Multi-track recorder/mixer...sorry i'm a noob but i searched

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm totally new to recording. Well actually, no not really but I didnt even know about a standalone multi track recorder until recently. Anyway, I want something I can use to record our band demos, it doesnt have to be you know-the best sound but close to CD would rock.

is there a PC equiv to Macs garage band?

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Submitted by anonymous on

i would like something like this just go get my ideas down on my lap top. so i dont have to mic up the amps and do it all that way.

i know someone who uses garage band for the same thing. and bc it has all the amp sims on there and such it dosnt sound bad. is there something as simple as this for pc?

Streaming audio

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Submitted by anonymous on

I've just become involved in a project that will involve audio for a showreel to be posted on a website. This is the first time I have come across this audio for internet and suddenly realise how little I know of it. I would prefer to stream CD quality audio but the webspace doesn't have the space for the raw audio, ie SDII, AIFF or WAV.