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Osa vs. . Bae 312a

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Submitted by anonymous on

I have a couple of api 512cs. In my opinion they are great for certain applications, (drums, bass, guitars)but I need something more suitable for vocals, cymbals, etc. I saw Osa makes several different pres. Do they make a pre with a bit more mids, and top end? I need a something with less smear on the highend. Bae 312a maybe?

$2k Mic Pre

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi Guys,

Getting my taxes done today, and in less than a week I'll have about $2k to spend on mic preamps.

Here are what I am thinking about. I only really need about 2-3 channels of preamps, for guitar and vocal overdubs.

I am thinking about the following pres:

1. Great River ME-1NV ($1075)

$1k Preamp to complement an RNP

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Submitted by anonymous on

So I'm pretty sure I'm going with an RNP this week, with leaves me with about $1K for another preamp. I want something that will sound good for vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, snare, bass DI and I'll probably throw some keyboards through it. Would it be wise to get something more colored considering the RNP is described as being so "neutral"?

A-Designs MP2

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Submitted by anonymous on

I while back I posted a request for the next pre to fit the mix. I got a BA 312A and have been very, very happy with it. But I was still looking for a clean, present preamp with those nice tube driven harmonics to make vocals, overheads and acoustics sound "rich".