Saffire Pro 40 help (no output from device)
I need a mic like this, but this type seems very poor
Does anybody know something about it ?
I mean something cheap. I don't need Schoeps, that is too expensive to me...
I'm pretty new to recording and I have a Lexicon Omega:
Hey, I finally decided to do some mods to my Apex 460, and after looking through the hundreds of forums with the Apex 460 mods, I still have some questions. I'm pretty new to mic modding, so some questions might be on the stupider side, but please help if you can.
Basically I was using a SIIG 1394 Cardbus Adapter type deal to connect my old laptop to my Firepod as it had no firewire ports. I just got a new laptop (to make recording faster in part) and it also has no firewire ports, but it also has no Cardbus port. Instead it has an ExpressCard/54 Slot and of course 3 USB 2.0 ports.
I stumbled across these things on eBay and had to check them out. I would love to grab em and A/B them with the real deal versions.