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Is the AEA rpq 2 a good all around choice for hybrid workflow?

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Submitted by kmetal on

@audiokid @Boswell @everyone

Having spec'd most of the new system I'm down to the summing section. The rolls folcrum seems like a great no nonsense box, that allows for creativity with color or transparency, because it's completely passive and requires a preamp / make up gain stage.

AEA R84?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I've got about $1400 to spend on mics for a new home studio, and I am considering getting an AEA R84, which will blow about $900 of my budget. I've read many great reviews of this mic that rave about how it sounds fantastic on almost everything. The other option I've been considering is a stereo pair of AKG 414's, which I can get for around $1000.

AEA R84 Ribbon mic... anyone tried it?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am doing spoken word and voice-overs, and my nature is to find THE best vo mic for my work. I use Shure Beta 58s and RODE NTKs, but recently saw Wes Dooley's AEA R84 Ribbon mic that looks like a vintage RCA. Anyone have experience with this mic yet? Or what preamps flatter the ribbons?

Thanks for any replies... SG