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ad/da converters

High-end AD-DA converters

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Submitted by hipbluescat on

I am looking at replacing my AD/DA converters box in my studio. I have read that EMM labs are the best per there web site.I have also looked at DAD and threads from various people state that the 32 track model.

 Then there are people who swear about Prism converters. I am looking for converters that are 100 percent transparent without modifying the sound in any respect.

AD/DA converters - please help

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Submitted by anonymous on

I own RME Hammerfall 9652 (not the HDSP!) in my studio connected thru ADAT Lightpipe to MY8-AT cards in digital mixing desk Yamaha 02R96 (in my case 02R96 works as a Wordclock generator and AD/DA converter). How good are 02R96's converters?

I'd like to ask you if AD/DA converters in Yamaha 02R96 sound better/worse than ... Apogee Rosseta, Lynx, ...