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Best pro audio PC laptop? (Rain, ADK, PC Audio Labs, MusicXPC...)


I'm looking for the best professional ready-to-go audio workstation, a strong PC laptop... I'd like it to be ultra-compatible with music production/recording software, and audio interfaces... I'd like it to be powerful (core i5 or i7). I'd like it to be the most silent possible...

ADK Microphones


ADK Microphones

A complete line of F.E.T. and tube condenser'microphones with vintage sonic quality at affordable prices. Offering the A-51 series large diaphragm condenser mic: the benefits of German design and features; the cost effective manufacturing technology of Asia. The A-51 is a professional recording tool for studios, broadcasting, and sound reinforcement. Portland, OR

ADK Hamburg/ Baby Bottle/ MK319/ SM7 Advice please!

My 2 main vocal mics are an AT4033 and an SM58. Most of the time I wind up using the 4033 as I love the high-endsparkle it has without being at all harsh in any way on my voice. So I am happy with it. That being said, I think I'm beginning to develop the gear addict syndrome that some of you talk about, and I have around $300 that I'm thinking of investing into a new mic.