Apple G4 UpGrades
hi just a quick question, want to upgrade my harddrive, in my 733,
suggestions on what works and what hasn't cheers
and are cpu upgrades worth it?
hi just a quick question, want to upgrade my harddrive, in my 733,
suggestions on what works and what hasn't cheers
and are cpu upgrades worth it?
I'm about to buy an apple powerbook 1.67, and wanted to know if I could record or playback 48 tracks with 2 gig of ram, an external hard drive 7200 or 10,000rpm of course, comfortably without the laptop crashing?
I'm using Nuendo or Protools.
I read on here (naturally I can't find the topic to quote now) that Apple G5 duals have trouble with Pro Tools HD.
Is this true? Does this also apply to Pro Tools LE? I'm planning on getting a new Mac and LE. Would there be any problem there?
What sort of audio work is the G3 and G4 iBook capable of?
I want to get an Apple laptop to learn more about osX. I know lots about PC based systems but not so much about Apples and a laptop would be nice.
I understand that digital recording engineers are advised to record their tracks to a separate drive from the drive their O/S & software reside on.
i want to purchase a g4 for my recording studio but my friend told me if i buy it then i cant install Sonar or fruity loops beacause those programs are pc only is this true i have Sonar and fruity loops already on my pc would i be able to upload them to the apple idk I'm not good with computers is this true?
Looks pretty cool, Don't know if I am ready to give up my PC and Sonar but still is a cool comes with everynew Apple computer program!
i can not find any wav to mp3 converter software for my mac
its killin me eveyhting i get eaither i have to buy or doesnt intall
I'm runnin 10.2
anyone have any tips?
oh I'm using pro tools le
is there sometin there that bounces to mp3?
i cannot for the life of me get a program for my mac to convert my pto tools le bounced wav files ot mp3s..
anyone know wnay freeware or anything that would help?
My current pc is a 1hz pentium 3 with 512mb ram and two 60 gig HDs. I use a Tascam us-428 for my control surface and to get my audio on to the computer, and I use Sonar 2.0 for my software. Apple is offering some decent deals on the G4's...and i am wondering if I go over to mac can I still use what i have now (Sonar .Tascam)?