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Need help recording vocals from remote artists over the internet

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Submitted by mikedavid00 on

I could not find local talent to record with, but lots of people are in other countries with talent and who want to record. This is just hip hop sort of recording.

Anyhow, there is one artist I'm interested in.. I would like to make a whole mixtape with her, but in her city it's expected she pay for studio time and we both can't afford that.

I need help with artists levy and pecentage of CD's

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Submitted by anonymous on

Firstly, I own a small recording company. I have made a CD with artists songs that I have licensed. When I pay the artists they will recieve 20% total for the CD. how to exatly calculate how much percentage each artist will make and the breakdown of all the costs

I have the CD and here it is

Underground Artists Interested in selling albums

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Submitted by anonymous on

I just recently this past weekend started a new company online where underground artists can get their albums heard and possible sold at a central location or store. Its at and I started it to see how good it will do. Its still in very basic mode but already had 2 people sign up besides my own album being there.