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aux sends

Midas Venice 320 aux sends

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Submitted by gabler100 on

I use monitor sends one and two for wedge monitors. Also auxiliary 1 and 2 for additional wedge monitors. I am wondering why the auxiliary sends have so much more gain than the monitor sends one and two. Both are pre fader. Can anyone help with this question. I've been turning the power amp down to compensate for the high output. Hopefully someone here can answer my question, thanks!

How many aux sends?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm used to mixing in the box and having virtually unlimited aux sends. I'm thinking about getting a budget console, I've been looking at the Ghost or the Venice, but I was wondering about the Midas Venice for example. I've read these specs:

4 Subgroups

2 Aux Pre-Fader (Monitor)

2 Aux Post-Fader (Effects)