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QuiQui - Everything Is A Remix (195 songs in 72 minutes)

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Submitted by QuiQUi on Mon, 01/26/2015 - 01:27

Hi, In the past year, I've worked on a project called 'Everything Is A Remix'. In this mix, I wanted to tell a story about sampling and remixing and show how important is has been in the evolution of music. I ended up making the ultimate mashup, including 195 songs in a mix of 72 minutes. I would really like to get some reactions and feedback from you guys!

Need help with bass guitar tones

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Submitted by beatlesfan234 on Wed, 08/10/2011 - 16:14

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but when I play my bass it sounds like there is more treble when the the treble knob on my bass amp is turned down. How do I get my bass to have the good bass tone when I am practicing and playing in rehearsal? I own a Hofner Icon B Violin Bass Guitar, a Greg Bennett bass guitar, a Stagg amp, and a Voice Pathfinder 10W Bass Amp Combo.

What do you guys think of Orange Amps?

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Submitted by Guitarfreak on Thu, 11/26/2009 - 18:03

I've recently been thinking in depth about dropping the idea of the Peavey 6505+ and getting either an Orange Tiny Terror or Dual Terror. I like the 6505+, but from firsthand experience it seems to be a one trick pony. The distorted riffage is top notch, but that is only one facet of my playing style, I feel that I need good cleans and crunch as well. The Orange fills that gap.


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Submitted by edaub1 on Tue, 06/16/2009 - 14:04

Curently i have a fender blues deville 4x10 from 1994. I record using a sm57, into a firestudio project to my software. My amp sounds pretty good when i play with it live in overdive..but when i record just sounds weak and fuzzy. I have about 1500 to spend, Would i be better off with a great preamp like a groove tubes SuPRe, or would i be better off getting a mesa boogie amp.

loading guitar amps in studio

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 01/14/2006 - 20:48

Does anybody out there use a Marshall PowerBrake or a THD Hotplate on their guitar cabinets in the studio?
I understand that they both allow for the user to get better (more) gain without all that volume (typical of a 125W amp).
But are they good for recording per say?
Or is it better to mic a guitar cabinet without using these? And why?

Why RTAS sounds worst than TDM

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 07/11/2005 - 11:55


Last week I've opened in a PT LE,
a session of a project that I've started in my PT Mix+.

Wow. What a surprise.
The Focusrite D2 RTAS sounds totally different than TDM version.
With the same equalization, exactly.

And I was really disappointed on Bass Drum, that normally is a track
with plenty of equalization. Sounds a lot bad!