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UAD Roland Dimension D - the ultimate chorus? (includes sound clips)

I finished writing an article about Universal Audio's UAD Roland Dimension D chorus plugin . This one is quite straightforward to research and write about but is absolutely one of my favourite effects and is one of the few plugins that I use on every single session. I like to put it on the reverb and delay sends for some extra-lush sound.

How do i Chorus Effect?

i listen to professionally recorded music and i notice that at the chorus the music gets louder, and more clear...or it just has some weird effect. How do they do that? i use Acid Pro 6.0 i have a MXL 990 Mic a M-Audio preamp/direct box. Can someone help me, i can also send u copies of my songs so u can hear my "attempt" at creating a chorus sound.

Chorus guitars

I have a song that I want the chorus to have power. Can someone help with technique to make this sound more powerful?

What I have now:
1 track with a Les Paul through the AC30 TB
1 track with a Telecaster through a Small Tweed

How do you double up guitars and make them sound smooth?



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