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Nord Rack 2x Hardware Advice

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Submitted by Star Demo on

Hello, Everybody I'm brand new to using hardware for years I've used software vsti's only but recently decide to buy a couple bits of hardware and I'm unsure on how to uses them with Live 9 software on PC, what I would like to do is write midi parts in Live 9 using the sounds from my EMU Proteus, Nord Rack 2x or if that's not possible record then direct to live.

Nord Lead1 Question

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Submitted by anonymous on

i have a nord lead i got at guitar center used, for $200, its pretty beat up, its missing a D key, its got a weird mathmatical equation hidden under a psychadelic sticker of a man walking in space toward a burning sun, its pretty heavy stuff. This keyboard NO DOUBT belonged to a real lunitic before i got it, and I'm wondering where i can

A. get a new D key.