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I'm CONFUSED adding more subwoofers

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Submitted by liveit777 on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 08:17

OK. I know this isn't a live sound forum, but I was hoping somebody here could help me out. Here's what I've got.

Mackie M2600 poweramp -500 watts per channel into 8 ohms
850 watts per channel into 4 ohms
1300 watts per channel into 2 ohms
1700 watts into 8 ohms bridged mono
2600 watts into 4 ohms bridged mono

Which DAW to choose? I'm confused.

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Submitted by madrussian on Sat, 03/05/2011 - 18:24

Ok, so I'm a newbie here who is very very wet behind the ears and could use some guidance. I currently own a small A/V design firm and do very well. I typically design commercial 70v audio systems and do a lot of video designs for everything from basic tv setups for bars and restaurants to high-endtele-conferencing systems for corporations.

Confused! Do I Need This?

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Submitted by mtownnig on Mon, 11/01/2010 - 21:44

For years I have been without an A/D Converter in my home studio setup. I went into a local store the other day to ask the guy about some things. He mentioned an A/D converter and I was like huh. what's that? He explained to me and I was wondering did I really need it.

Setup: M-Audio Profire 610
Focusrite ISA One
Compressor & Mic.

delta 1010lt confused!

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Submitted by recordjunkiehtx on Mon, 04/05/2010 - 17:09

Hey all,here's my problem Ive got a delta 1010lt pci sound card, {8 mono ins and 8 mono outs},I've got a dynamic mic plugged into XLR input 1 on the delta, an Logitech x240 speakers plugged into 1/2 output on the delta,my DAW is Magix Music Studio 10 Deluxe.well here's the problem i cant seem to figure out how to pan my vocals in my mixes left or right,if i pan right the vocals just sound lower

Dazed and confused OTB and ITB

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Submitted by djmukilteo on Wed, 09/16/2009 - 23:00

I have some older vintage analog tape gear along with new computer recording gear...and I need some advice on how best to wrangle and incorporate all of the various pieces I want to use so I can record and :roll: playback some analog tracks and then run those into my DAW, then maybe mix other analog sources back again..some digital stuff and some analog stuff and be able to move between the two