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childrens choir

Recommendations for recording a small youth choir

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Submitted by Aaron_S on

Our school has a vocally talented group of 8th graders. Their choir director would like to do a recording of the group before the school year ends that could be distributed to the families of the kids...not for sale, but for keepsake...although we'd still like to capture the best recording we can...Both the choir director and I are amateur at best, but we're both fairly technical people...

Anyone else recording a choir for a Rosanne Cash project?

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Submitted by zemlin on

Last night I recorded the Indianapolis Children's Choir for track titled "How Many Christmases" sung by Rosanne Cash on some upcoming project. From what I understand, they are collecting tracks from choirs all over the world to mix into this track, so my track will be a drop in the bucket, rather literally.

What is on all those tracks?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I see lots of people using 40-50 or even more tracks on projects, and I cant figure out what in the world they are all for. I dont think Ive ever used more than about 20 tracks for a song, and usually its less than that. Can someone shed some light on this? Even better would be some example tracksheets that show whats going on with all those tracks.
