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linking two computers?

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Submitted by PunkRocker on Sat, 04/28/2018 - 10:41

Hi guys, I have another for ya! To make a long story short I have two computers now. One. a laptop MacBook and one an iMac. It dawned on me that it would be really convenient to record drums using the laptop and then continue recording the mix on the iMac. Is this far fetched? Maybe a daisy chain with USB's? or would it have to be iCloud? I would have an audio interface with both.

Strange Tempo Changes Across Computers Phenomenon

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Submitted by rbf738 on Mon, 12/10/2012 - 20:13

Hey I figured I'd ask here because I'm new to sharing tracks over the net. I use Ableton Live and just got my friend/drummer Ableton Live so that we could share ideas and he could add drums on his end. I've been rendering down sets without drums (just my vocals, guitars, etc.) and send the Wave or MP3 to my friend.

sharing audio data between 2 computers with Windows 7

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 09/02/2012 - 22:05

I want to share data between my recording CP and my mastering CP. Both computers are not hardwired to the internet. The only way I access the internet is through one Dlink wireless usb dongle. I share the dongle between the two. The dongle is a pain and I wish I could run ethernet into my control room but its not an option anytime soon.

I have a few questions,

Using one HD Monitor for two computers

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 04/17/2011 - 22:48

Is it negative to use one HD Monitor with two computers. My eyes are poorer so I need a big screen and I have little room to put a second monitor.
I have a second PC ready for internet. Whats the best way to hook this all up clean and simple?

KVM switch yes ? Any suggestions on what you use?


Could we talk about computers some more

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Submitted by boxcar on Sun, 01/02/2011 - 14:26

Hi everyone,hope your year is starting on a positive note.
Mine? not so much yet,lol but I'm working on it.

I bought a new computer a month ago I-3 windows 7-64 and after being less than impressed compared to my old AMD athlon 350 XP, i returned it and decided to have one built by the people who built my 350.