dBV also references voltage, but does so without regard for impedance. 0dB equals 1 volt. The dBV rating is most commonly found in reference to consumer equipment that uses operating levels of -10 dBV.
dBV also references voltage, but does so without regard for impedance. 0dB equals 1 volt. The dBV rating is most commonly found in reference to consumer equipment that uses operating levels of -10 dBV.
Reasonably new to this. This question arises from my search for a new/new-to-me preamp to replace my mobilePre
(which, not surprisingly, doesn't provide tracks which stack particularly quietly).
I believe that I understand the concept of headroom (i.e. - how hot a (mic) signal can the preamp handle?),
but not the measurement units.
From my mic preamp--is it better to "line out" from +4dBu balanced or
-10dBv unbalanced?
Is there a difference in sound quality?, Line noise? Etc...
Could you explain the pros and cons of both.
Much appreciated
--Stephen Patrick
Hello everyone,
I am recording in Cubase SX 3 and have read many threads about
propper levels going in...ultimately aiming for 0 dbVU. Now, it is my
understanding that 0 dbVU is roughly -18 to -20 dbfs so today when I was
bouncing a synth part (vst) I set the level out of the synth to about zero
I was trying recently to figure out why 2Vrms is 6.02 dBV instead of 3.01 dBv, and I learned that it is of course because the power in constant-load circuit is proportional to the square of the voltage. So,
dBV = 20 * log (Vmeas / 1V)
I'm going to buy a new soundcard. I am going to buy one that has balanced ins, but should I also sure that the balanced ins take +4dbu, or is -10dBV input okay? Will it even make a difference?
My preamp is a Mackie 1202, so I can send my output through either +4dBu or -10dBV.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Can someone please explain these terms to me? From what I understand, these are simply the LEVELs that a particular piece of gear is optimized to perform at (+4 dBu being at a much louder signal level than -10 dBV - Is this correct?) .