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Death of the CD?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I've been reading more and more about the coming demise of the CD. And honestly, it scares the hell out of me. If digital downloads is what it is coming to, fine, I think it's great, but do they have to be MP3s? They sound awful! Why isn't there a way to download full size 16 bit, 44.1 wav files? Does it really take that much longer to download? And isn't it worth it to take the time?

The death of Auto Tune? MELODYNE - a user report

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Submitted by anonymous on

I asked a friend to describe Melodyne a new stand-alone audio manipulation software... He has a demo at home and saw it being demontrated at the Musik Messe in Frankfurt last weekend... Chris is from Belgium and has perfect English (of course!)

"yea right . . If only I could do it in flemish .